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  • Brandi Bradley

Cussin and blowing (Aug 30 stats)

It was rough out there today.

My plan was, since I was trying to get back to where I was when I was sidelined, to level up to a 12 minute interval today. And it was hard… not going to lie.

Again, the abs. My stomach muscles were clenched for the last interval and a half.

First interval was good. Had to look at my watch, but not until the last 20 seconds, so good.

Second interval was fine until the turnaround. As always— and you would think I would learn from this repeated mistake— I timed it so I was finishing my interval going uphill. I had three minutes left and I couldn’t do it. Had to walk it.

By the time the third interval triggered, I was spent. Spent so much, I had to just stand on the side of the road and think about my life choices. I walked and jogged it the rest of the way in as needed.

I tried not to allow myself to be thrown off by outside distractions. The landscapers who mowed the right of ways would pause and allow me to pass. Super nice of them, right? But passing someone makes me kick it into a faster speed and that burned through my energy. I avoided the walking fitness moms by jogging in the bike lane. Again, passing people. I hate passing people. Sometimes I walk just to avoid passing people. But that’s a different hang up.

My speed was pretty good. When running, I was trotting under 15:00 mins per mile, which is fast for me. But it could have been all the passing.

All in all— some fitness is always better that sitting around on my butt. I’ll head back out soon and try the 12 again.

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