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  • Brandi Bradley

A change will do me good

I hope, at least.

Instead of running or yoga, I went to the gym today. A few years ago I signed up for Planet Fitness and have never gotten rid of the membership. It's only $10. At my physical, my doc told me I had to do some type of cardio regularly.

I want to run. But over the summer my joints started to ache. I'd go running and then the next morning I would barely be able to walk. So I had to take a break. I hated it. I just got back up to almost 30 minutes with no walk breaks. I was so close. I was going to look for 5Ks.

School started in August, and then it was September, October, and well, here we are.

After my doc told me the news-- also that I need to seek a rheumatology specialist for the joint pain -- I made a plan. For the month of November-- the shortest month of the year-- I must go to Planet Fitness 12 times.

I made a schedule and a plan, and I promised myself that if I reach my goal, I am allowed to drop some coin on a cool new gym bag.

I dreaded it all day.

But I did it, which was the point. I tried a new form of cardio, the rowing machine. I didn't want to do the treadmill because the temptation to run would be too great. So I rowed and rowed and it was hard. Then I made the rounds on the machines. Then another 10 of cardio, this time on the stationary bike.

There is not a comfortable bike seat in existance. It's the worst.

I wonder about people who spend time at the gym, like how it's their happy place. I've spoken with people who work their aggression out and even knew a guy who was a 3 hour gym person. His body was banging. And there are some parts of me who's like, "what if you did that?" I watch The Biggest Loser and see those people in the gym all day. I know it's not "healthy". That's not the point. The point is you get what you put into something.

But my overall goal is strengthening my nonexistent core so I can put less pressure on my knees, and hopefully be able to run again.

Today was the first step to that.

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