What's the story?
I saw this written on the wall of the Sweet Shop & wondered "What did Bekah do that prompted someone to cross out her name?" Write your...

Persuasive Genre Analysis
What is the rhetorical situation of this advertisement: Audience? Purpose? Mode? Media? Rhetorical Appeals? Style & Design? How would you...
Project #2 Reflection
Congratulations. Project #2 is complete. Please answer these questions and post to you PROJECT #2 WIX PAGE. 1. What did you find most...

Paraphrase, Summary, Direct Quotes
FIRST: Compose a Tweet telling for followers your favorite Fall movie and why. Use all the Twitter conventions (emojis, gifs, memes,...

Writing into the Day
Lets examine this meme and ask ourselves, what is the rhetorical situation? Answer the following questions: What is the mode? (which...