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Project #3

What's your campaign title?

Genre #1 - Is it a Narrative?

January 03, 2023

Did you craft a story for your campaign?

Genre #2 - Is it Informative?

February 23, 2023

Tell me something about this genre. Why did you choose it? Did it work? How could you tell? How did you promote it?

Genre #3 - Is it persuasive?

May 28, 2023

You do not have to have one of each genre. This is just an example of what is possible on a P3 page.

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Process note and report

This is the space where you would post your 1,000 word report. This report is the one major writing project which can be written in 1st person. 

This report is broken into three parts: the process note, and the promotion plan.

The process note acts as a map where you inform the reader of your campaign why you chose it.

Answer these questions:

  • What is the name of your campaign and what is its intention?

  • What were your genres?

  • What was the intended audience?

  • Why are these genres appropriate for your audience? Why would they appeals to these individuals?

  • What rhetorical strategies were involved in the completion of my project?

  • What programs and tools did you utilize to complete this project?

Next, is the promotion plan. Consider these questions:

  • Where did you post these genres and how did you draw attention to them?

  • How many social media outlets did you utilize?

  • Where did you post your hashtag?

  • Which avenue was most successful?

  • How many people did you follow in an attempt to get them to follow you back?

  • How long have your promoted these genres?

  • When the audience did not respond, what were your next steps?

Next is the reflection period. 

  • How was the composition process different for these genres than Project 2? Avoid the obvious answers like: one was written and the others were not, or which one was easier.

  • What considerations did you have to make for these genres which you did not for Project #2?

  • What was most challenging about composing Project #3 vs Project #2?

  • What advice would have have given yourself before beginning Project #2 to make Project #3 easier?

Class Presentation

You are required to present these genres to the class. This is separate from the ePortfolio, but you will be graded on it. In this presentation you explain show all three of the genres you built and also explain your Process, Promotion and Reflection on P3. This is a sharing moment for you and your classmates. See guidelines below. 

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